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An attractive school infrastructure. It makes it interesting and gets the children motivated to come to school,this in turn improves the attendance and interest of students. Our infrastructure includes 18 classrooms including a few digital classrooms,multipurpose hall,laboratories,open fields for games with 125 mtr banked track for skating,games equipment,water facilities,sanitation facilities,bus facilities & others.


A well-stocked computerized library with books on various subjects and a number of newspapers, journals and magazines provides ample opportunities to the students to explore the world and induces the habbit of reading.


Playground & Sports Facilities


The school has a spacious playground with an elaborate arrangement for indoor as well as outdoor games like cricket, football, martial arts etc.

Computer Lab

The school has a suitable computer lab to prepare its students to face digital technology


Science Lab


The school is proposing a well equipped science lab to put theory into practice and learning by doing.

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