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Director's Message


Yuvraj Patil


With the recognition that each student has extraordinary potential hidden within Little Wonders Play Group,Sanjeevan English Medium School seeks to provide a teaching and learning environment that will unravel this. A key to this is to have processes in place that will help us recognize the unique learning styles and needs of our students. So differentiated teaching practices at the core of the educational experience at LWPG,SEMS.

Education has meaning only when it is set in the appropriate context. To ensure this we focus on experiential learning in the manner in which syllabus content is handled within the school as well as during home assignments. Students are encouraged to make connections with the world around them and the topics that they are studying in the classroom.


Recognizing that our students need to have a healthy body and an active mind to be able to become a holistic learner, at LWPG,SEMS we lay a strong emphasis on co-curricular activities. This emphasis is supported by an excellent infrastructure and promotion of multi-cultural activities within the school.

Our students will attain excellence only if our teachers also are also continuously on a path of improving their practice. With this in mind our teachers undergo the process of continuous appraisal where they set a self-improvement goal, are regularly observed by their supervisors in their classes and are given feedback.

As we proceed with our journey of making our students life long learners who will make a difference to the world they live in , we invite you to become the part of that journey.


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